
Leafleting going really well and feedback in streets so good in Horninglow.

Canvassing in town centre producing lots of promises of votes and goodwill for the People’s Party.

Purple Power is taking a grip on the electorate.

Vote UKIP.

Vote for Nigel and Saint George.


Andrew Griffiths mp

Andy was in my road leafleting this week.Frankly he looked dishevelled and frazzled in some scruffy clothes.
UKIP r coming for u young man and I think he knows.
I asked him how the Cons. were going to sort out the £1.5 trillion n multi billion



And he didn’t want to engage.

Then there r
Out of control IMMIGRATION

£100 billion waste of taxpayers money on- HS2
HS haven’t got a clue more like

The NH Mess -can’t see a GP talk to one on phone if you’re lucky etc

£10 billion a year of dodgy Foreign Aid squandered/foreign policy sweeteners? when we’ve got zero hours contracts,food banks n homeless in Britain.
Etc etc etc
Oh yeh I call it Britain. It can’t be Great Britain again until we get out of European Union.


Make Britain Great again ,not a tiny,insignificant 1/28th bit of Europe like Labour n Con.men have left us at mo.



Got a leaflet from the Con. MP.In it he’s pictured grinning at voters with his hands in his pockets ! Did he think that through??
Drains still blocked outside his house by Coop for months if not years and all over Horninglow and eg Station and High St,our main streets!!!!!! .Potholes all over boro and Burton. Don’t vote for the Con.men and slacking county councillors /scc Promises promises no follow thru. Don’t let them Con . U again lol !!


Horninglow update

The symmonds shop by hospital is looking a lot better. The guy is now painting up his house. Result.

Pizza shop at bottom of Calais hill reopening in mid May. Excellent.all units full. Jobs for locals.

Calais rd/Dover rd junc. opp chemists now safer after bus firms warned off cutting off corner and area signage now updated.

Got Trent and Dove to repair Dover rd/Rowton St garages fence. Now safe.graffiti removed too.
Thank u Max at T n D.

Vote UKIP for action. Getting great feedback and vote promises as I leaflet the area.

Stop press
found out on Internet that our parish clerk works not only for Horninglow and Eton, but it appears Outwoods and Branston PCs too. She told me rather rudely it was none of my business. I think it is after reflection.I’m a taxpayer and parishioner,resident of Horninglow and her part employer. Is she praps spreading herself a bit thin? Too many jobs,not enough time etc ? Must be coining it though!!

Office for clerk/15 hours still being built for £40/50000 .!!!!
what a waste of money and all done behind closed doors,secretly. This is wrong. See sense or resign, all u councillors inc the 3 labourites + the leader of the Borough council.
I agree with most of what u do usually but this is a resignable offence. Stop it or go !



3p off a pint in 5 years. It’s something,Mr Griffiths but not much.As those in the pub trade said in the local rag- it doesn’t make hardly any difference in reality. People can use shops,supermarkets for buying their alcoholic drinks and get it cheaper there too.loss leaders like milk. No problem.milk is far healthier though,of course. So drink responsibly folks your cheaper? Pint/cider but vote for the right party in May. Has A G really done enough? Think on.a vote for Andy is a vote for tv debate running scared chicken Dave Cameron who’s all promise and lib dem policy knicker and what else.?read between the lines.
Vote UKIP. Vote for Nigel’s People’s Party. U know it makes sense . Common sense.


Horninglow and Eton parish council

Went to monthly meeting this week. Just 3 members of public present.

The council still plan to waste all their money, tens of thousands of taxpayers money,on building an office for their 15 hour a week clerk.what a criminal WASTE of money in these times of austerity. I would give u more details but they only talk about this behind closed doors since I queried and of course opposed this vanity project.the Burton Mail should do an article on this-see what the general public think.

Fyi -I want a little taxpayers money for a wildlife project tidy up at Castle Park brook and equipment for the local boxing club.It’s proving v difficult to get.
Better use of our money than splashing it all on an unneeded office? Let the people decide in May.
Vote UKIP .


Immigration still out of control

No ifs no buts,the latest immigration figures show it is totally out of control. Hundreds of thousands of Europeans are pouring into Britain,38,000 without a job straight onto our creaking benefit system.money for nothing!!
Meanwhile, bizarrely,thousands of highly beneficial non Europeans are being stopped from coming in – doctors,engineers etc .people we need.It’s bonkers!
UKIP will get us out of Europe,control our borders once again and put a cap on immigration of 50,000 people coming in . The quality and merits of these individuals would be looked at before entry.much like in the 70s and 80s when GB was in control not Ms Merkel n her Eu minions.
Immigration under Labour was a disaster.It’s even worse under chief Con.man Cameron. He can’t do a thing about EU immigration. He is powerless.his EU colleagues won’t allow him to do anything. Impotent.He can promise and try n con the voters but can’t deliver.
Vote UKIP. Tens of thousands of immigrants only under them,not hundreds of thousands/ millions with the other parties.
GB and Cameron can’t cope- schools are at bursting point,huge welfare pay outs to people who haven’t paid into the system,massive queues n delays in hospitals and it takes longer and longer to get an appointment at the doctor’s.
Enough- say UKIP .vote for the People’s Party.the Party of common sense.


Free hospital car parking

My party,UKIP would make car parking FREE at all hospitals across the country,including the Queens in my borough,Horninglow.
This would ease pressure on all the surrounding streets which are clogged with car drivers trying to avoid the charges.Pressure on people’s wallets would also be eased.
It’s another example of the common sense,sensible solutions and approach of the People’s party
which is very much on the rise after winning the European elections and two by elections giving them their first mp s.
Other parties have been trying to solve this issue for years.The latest involves residents having to pay to guarantee their parking space in their street. Bonkers! Unworkable !

Free car parking.a full car park.no tax on the ill and their relatives,friends.and all paid for by health/travel insurance of visitors to GB when they use the NHS. Genius!

Vote UKIP. Common sense.

I conducted a survey of hospital users yesterday on this proposal and got a 100% thumbs up vote in favour.


Sudbury prison ! Lol.

Another prisoner just walks out of that place !
It’s been going on for years . Cmon those in charge . Put somebody on the gate or even two. Open prisons are a joke. Build more secure prisons, I say, and make it less of a holiday camp as they say they are.Make them do more of their sentences too. Tighten things up. Less tv,games consoles n lazing around.More teach em a trade,get em out doing litter picking,tidying up wildlife areas etc .
More building of new prisons would create jobs in construction too as well as for staff running them. Win .win.
Sudbury etc -embarrassing lol. Sort it, those in charge(?).


HS2. – HS haven’t got a clue more like !

High speed railway line probably going to cost £100 billion by time it gets built if ever.
Cons haven’t got a clue. What a waste of money and such disruption to nation. Spend £5 billion of it on maintaining current rail system and then use rest of money on NHS, reducing food banks etc etc .Use money better u Conmen and ladies !

Vote UKIP in May
Vote for the People’s party
Vote for the politicians who answer the questions
Vote for change
Vote for common sense and sensible solutions
Vote for a better Britain ,a Great Britain again !
